Monday, December 31, 2007

Best of 2007 -- Music

Hmmm. I recently bought a sweatshirt that proclaims "Traveling 33 rpm in an ipod world." Sadly (or not) this describes me in more ways than one. An example: as I write this, I'm listening to an old Joe Sample album (yes, kids, on vinyl!) from 1979. When I worked in record stores back in the '80s and early '90s, my colleagues and I used to make up Top 10 lists at the end of the year, and it was always a fun challenge to narrow that year's best music down to ten titles. [My friend Steve, who I worked with back then, recently blogged his "albums of 2007." While his tastes and mine didn't always match up, they often did, so I'm sure some of the stuff on his list is worth checking out. You can find it at, scroll down to the albums of 2007 post.] I don't think I bought 10 new CDs in 2007, and I'm sure of the ones I did, most of them weren't released this year. I just checked the copyright dates on some of the ones I did buy recently, and mostly what I learned is that my eyesight isn't good enough to read the tiny print on the CD labels anymore. I will, however, say this:

Even if I'd heard every new release of 2007, I'm sure one of best (if not the best) releases of the year was Lucinda Williams new disc, West. I always said Lucinda could sing the phonebook and make it sound sexy. It's hard to pick any "best" songs out of the 13 here, 'cause every one is an absolute gem. That said, the song "Fancy Funeral" made a huge impression on me, probably for obvious reasons. I don't think this disc left my CD player for weeks when I first bought it. All I can say is it's amazing. Go out today and buy it, or order it, or I suppose, download it. Whatever. You need this record.


Blogger Wyl said...

I'll have to check out the Lucinda album. Like you, I'm pretty sure I didn't buy even close to ten new-for-2007 albums last year.

The one I did buy was Live in Dublin, which is absolutely excellent. I figured I'd be the last person alive to ever like a Springsteen record, but the Dublin album is brilliant. I could probably talk for hours about all the different things I like about this album.

The other new albums I bought this year were Tom Morello's One Man Revolution, Era Vulgaris by Queens of the Stone Age, and Serj Tankian's solo debut, Elect the Dead. I particularly enjoyed Serj's album, which was no sure thing considering I didn't know how things would go, post-System. Both Morello's and QOTSA's records had their moments, although they left me feeling lacking. Maybe it was just over-anticipation because I knew they were coming out for a very long time, but they just lacked the vinegar I was looking for.

11:00 AM  
Blogger Lover of Words, Books, Games, Theatre, Film, Art said...

With a daughter in seventh grade, I'm listening to a lot of pop music. Most of it is quite unremarkable, but there are a few gems. Perhaps the only 2007 'album' that I actually bought in 2007 is BOYS LIKE GIRLS -- disc the same title as the group name.

I've also liked some of Daughtry and Plain White Tees.

8:50 PM  

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