Monday, December 31, 2007

Best of 2007 -- TV

So I'm a bit late getting started on blogging my annual "best of" lists, but since I'm not doing anything else tonight, maybe I'll get some of them up. First up: TV.

Best Show of 2007: Lost. Yep, gotta go with a show that hasn't been on in the last seven months. The second half of the third season was great. I really didn't expect Charlie's death, although the writers did everything possible to prepare us for it. And the last episode was phenomenal. I've finally got someone at work I can talk with this show about, which makes it an even better experience.

Best new show of 2007: Pushing Daises, without a doubt. I love this show for the writing, which is as quick and clever as a Tom Stoppard play. I might love it even more for the set design and costuming, which make it look like nothing else on TV. Gotta thank my friend Jeff for suggesting this one to me. I still haven't seen the first episode, but started watching the next week on his suggestion.

Honorable mention: Reaper. I taped a bunch of these, and ended up watching every episode after the pilot in the space of about two weeks. It worked that way. The show's mythology is developing slowly, and they've avoided what could have been the trap of doing essentially the same show from week to week. Plus, Tyler Labine (I hope I got his name right; I'm going from memory) as Sock is a hoot.

Guilty pleasure: Maybe I shouldn't mention this, but I've really enjoyed The Big Bang Theory. Standard sitcom fair, maybe, but the geekiness quotient is just right, and I love the more obscure comic book references (go figure).


Blogger Wyl said...

We were watching Tony Bourdain's show on the Travel Channel, and an ad for Lost ran. She's really excited for it to come back, too.

10:17 AM  

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