Sunday, December 02, 2007

casting the play

One of my goals this weekend was to cast our one-act play (based, of course, on the auditions I talked about a couple of posts earlier). While I did so, it was one of the most difficult casting jobs I've done, I think, though I'm not sure exactly why. I knew my lead(s) from the get-go, but some of the other parts were difficult to assign. I went through three choices for one role -- each time, this meant re-reading the play with that particular actress in mind and seeing how it played out in my head. (Fortunately, the play's short.) A related difficulty was finding the proper role for one particular student -- I knew I wanted to use her, but wasn't sure where she fit best in this production. I think I've got it now, though I changed some things between yesterday and today, so I might look it over again before posting the cast list tomorrow.


Blogger Lover of Words, Books, Games, Theatre, Film, Art said...

I don't think the kids really understand how difficult it can be to cast a show. I know that most of my kids probably had the show pretty well pegged even before the auditions, but except for one guy (pretty much the ONLY guy), I was REALLY up in the air as to how I was going to do it. My two female leads could have gone to any of five young ladies, I think. At auditions I was able to narrow it down to three students, and then had to make the choice between two students for one role. I went with the stronger audition over the student I was more familiar with.

9:31 PM  

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