Monday, May 22, 2006

Dr. Pepper

I like to try new things -- new food items and such -- from time to time. (No jokes that I get this trait from my dad.) Remember when Coke came out with that Vanilla Coke a few years back? Yep, I tried it. Didn't care for it a whole lot. It seems like a lot of soda companies are trying to come up with new flavors and marketing them under a variation of an existing brand name. Awhile ago, I decided I'd try the new Dr. Pepper Berries & Cream flavor. It wasn't terrible -- it's got a touch of raspberry, which I like, coupled with some vanilla. A bit sweet for my tastes, but an alright beverage. However, it's nothing like Dr. Pepper, so why market it under that name?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because the Dr. Pepper Company makes it?

10:56 PM  

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