Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Old friends

I don't have a lot of friends from my college days that I still keep in touch with. In fact, if it weren't for Christmastime, there probably wouldn't be any. (My old high school friends are another story altogether.) I am reminded of this by the Christmas card I got from my old friend P.J. today. He and I were pretty close friends back in our early days at the U. In fact, there was a group of probably five or six of us that were, but he's the only one I still hear from. And that's only at Christmas. That's not his fault; I'm the same way. Even though we've exchanged email addresses, there's still not much contact there. The last time I saw him, I think, was probably when he helped me move from Laurel to the first apartment I shared with Bro (Ashland?) back in, what was that, about 1991? Yeesh. I miss the guy and I'm sure if we got together, we could pick up like old times again. I hope that'll happen soon.

I also got a card from my friend Mo and his family. It was just a signed card, and included a picture of the family (but not one of those family picture postcards that are sent in lieu of an actual card). Perfect. Way to go, Mo. The family gets better looking all the time, too. Well, at least Christina does.


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