Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Late start

We had our first late start of the school year today. We got maybe an inch or so of snow yesterday, but this was after a good spell of rain, so it was a bit icy. Add to that the incredible winds we had, which made for virtual white-out conditions at times, especially in the country. I didn't think it was all that bad, but I live in town, and my drive over to school at 9:30 found the roads to be more than adequate. People who live out in the country, however, tell me it was pretty bad. It's very flat and there's nothing to stop the wind whipping that little bit of snow around.

I teach three sections of English 12. One of those didn't have class today; one had a shortened twenty-minute period; the last had a full forty minutes. Needless to say, there are all in different places in Macbeth now.


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