Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Speech team success

Wow, I haven't blogged much in the past few weeks/months, but from reading what little I have, you might have some idea why. In the meantime, I've told more people about this blog (mostly members of my online composition theory class at MSUM). I hope no one's come across it and been terribly disappointed.

My high school speech team (which I coach) has enjoyed a modicum of success this year. I had 30 people officially on the team (who went to at least one meet), and 23 of them were first-timers. Only two of the team are seniors (though we are losing one other member, who's going to the Perpich school of the Arts next year), so hopefully next year's team will be just as large, and more experienced. We have six people going to our section tournament on Friday -- not a big number, but the largest group I've taken to sections in the six years I've been coaching here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool–and good luck.

11:08 PM  

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